Ppt to Swf Converter 3000 is the easiest and fastest free PowerPoint document file (including Ppt format) to SWF video converter. User-friendly interface is easy to operate with merely a few clicks. It can preserve original layout, text, images etc of your PowerPoint file. More, the processing speed is very fast. Now, with the powerful converter,your PowerPoint files can be shown on the Web not only as a standalone document in a separate window but also can be embedded in a web page and shown inside it altogether with other web page content.
Simultaneously convert massive Ppt format files to SWF video once.
Convert Ppt format files to SWF video with preserving the original text,image,layout etc.
According to the default page size to generate SWF video.
According to the image size of SWF, automatically stretch/shrink image size.
Support Flash6 format compression to compress the output file size.
Precise control the generated video quality with more parameters settings.
Set SWF video play speed.